Chart: You can see the spike in immigration

Immigration Likely Higher Than Census Estimates
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation

Immigration in recent years is likely much higher than the Census estimates, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO looks at wide variety of sources, including U.S. Border apprehensions. Given the amount of federal policy based on population, this is a significant difference.

Oregon recently spent nearly $30 million for a migrant hotel.  It was overloaded with takers and closed due to a lack of sustaining funds.  One migrant already using the hotel services told KGW-TV that the reason she came to Oregon was for the free services, “They told me that it was better here [Oregon], that there are jobs — that they provide help here.”   The Oregonian reported that a California non-profit was sending people from California to Oregon to take advantage of the free migrant hotel.

