5 measures make November ballot

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Here are the 5 Statewide Ballot Measures that have qualified for the November 2024 Oregon General Election Ballot.

Measure 115Impeachment powers: Gives state lawmakers impeachment power over the governor and the other statewide elected officials.  As Oregon is among the last states to not have impeachment powers.

Measure 116 Salary commission for state lawmakers. Creates a new state commission in order to determine salaries for State Lawmakers.  Oregon lawmakers are underpaid compared to most states (and compared to the average Oregon wage) and this creates a process for this issue to be addressed.  The Taxpayers Association of Oregon has supported for many years increased pay for lawmakers as a way to open up our Republic to more everyday people and not just the upper-income Oregonians who can afford to leave their job for several years.

Measure 117Rank Choice Voting: Puts in place a new ranked-choice voting scheme for federal candidates and statewide officials.  This is where you rank each candidate instead of a regular vote.  If you only vote for one, you may be penalized if the the voting goes into round-two of voting.   Sadly, when rank-choice voting is tried in other states it results; in mass confusion, depressed voter participation, delays in results, higher costs and lawsuits.   Portland has adopted rank-choice voting and Eugene voters just rejected it last May (with Taxpayers Association of Oregon help).  Read more.

Measure 118 — 3% tax for free rebates.  This measure levies a 3% tax on larger businesses (+$25 million in sales).  The tax is a tax on revenue and not a tax on profit, so many companies that are losing money will still have to pay as they teeter near bankruptcy.  The money collected goes to a $750 rebate for every person in Oregon — homeless, illegal migrants, students studying in Oregon from abroad, everyone. The taxis so bad, even Gov. Kotek is against it.  That’s bad.  Read more.

Measure 119New union rules for pot shops.  Requires cannabis businesses to engage in a “labor peace agreement” with a union.

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