Lars Larson: Some high profile Gov’t flops

Lars Larson
NW and national radio host,

The Northwest Nonsense:

I hate to complain but lately my hand starts to cramp up when I write a list of all the failed policies of single party rule in the Northwest.

Head Start or “pre-K for all” doesn’t make a damn bit of difference in the education of kids according to the best studies.

It amounts to very expensive daycare. But, since it produces more unionized public employees and votes the democrat party loves it.

Only now, Multnomah County has decided the taxes it takes to pay for this “FREE” daycare drives thousands of wage earners to flee … so they’re putting those off, but only temporarily.

Washington’s Jay Inslee demanded the state’s ferry system convert to non-existent electric ships. That crashed on the shore so those who needed boats to get home got stuck on the dock waiting for Jay’s ship to come in.

Jay’s just counting the days till he collects his fat state AND federal pensions for the fine job he’s done.

Legalizing hard drugs killed thousands. Oregon found out that simply inviting addicts into treatment did NOTHING. Now we have the softest possible threat of jail lawmakers could possibly engineer and already some going into treatment.

Imagine if we went back to real consequences.

Oh, and that orange air too many in the Northwest are breathing on these hot days: we know how to stop that, but logging fell out of fashion so we best get used to it.
