Every rapist, wife beater, car thief to get $1K check from Measure 118

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Every rapist
Every murderer
Every felon
Every child molester
Every wife beater
Every I.D. thief
Every car thief
Every gang leader
Every meth kingpin
Every tax cheat

… who is in prison in Oregon will get a rebate if Measure 118 passes.

Measure 118 is a near $2 billion tax and uses the proceeds to give every resident a free rebate check which includes every Oregon prisoner.

Here is the text of Measure 118; “Section 2. The Oregon Rebate. (1) The increase in corporate minimum tax revenue attributable to Section 1 of this 2024 Act shall be used to provide an equal rebate to each individual, as defined in ORS 316.022, who has resided in this state in the aggregate more than 200 days of the eligibility year.”

Criminals will get their rebate check just for residing in Oregon for more than 200 days.

They will get a rebate check just like the very same criminals received a Federal Covid stimulus check.

The idea that we are raising taxes on businesses and taking existing revenue out of the General Fund (schools, public safety, forest management) to reward virtually every violent felon in Oregon is ridiculous, reckless and immoral.

Stop the cash dump on Oregon’s prisons — No on Measure 118.
