Poll: Raymond Love closes gap on Sen. Chris Gorsek (SD 25)

By Oregon Senate GOP Campaign Committee,

GRESHAM, Ore – Republican Senate candidate Raymond Love is making significant strides in his campaign to represent Senate District 25, covering Gresham, Troutdale, Fairview, and the Rockwood areas of East Multnomah County. A recent poll conducted by respected firm Nelson Research shows the race between Love and incumbent Senator Chris Gorsek tightening, with Gorsek’s summer lead of +14.1% now reduced to a narrow margin of just +3.3%, well within the margin of error.

The key to Love’s momentum? A relentless door-to-door campaign that has personally connected him with over 4,000 households. “I’ve been out walking nearly every day of the week, and people are upset with Gorsek’s representation over the last four years,” said Love. “The response at the doors has been overwhelming; voters are ready for a change.”

Polling Data Shows a Dramatic Shift

Nelson Research compared polling from July and September of 2024, highlighting the shift toward Love:

  •     July Generic Ballot: Democrats led by 17.5%.
  •     September Generic Ballot: Democrat lead cut to just 6.7%.

In the head-to-head matchup between Gorsek and Love:

  •   July Poll: Gorsek led Love by 14.1%.
  • September Poll: Gorsek’s lead shrank to just 3.3%, showing the race has become highly competitive

Love Will Deliver Real Results

Senate Republican Leader Daniel Bonham praised Love’s dedication to the district and expressed optimism about working with him in the Senate. “Raymond Love has been out there every day, listening to the concerns of the people in East Multnomah County, and they’re responding. They know that Raymond will bring the leadership needed to address the crime, homelessness, and affordability crisis plaguing the area,” said Bonham. “When he joins us in Salem, he will be a strong voice for commonsense solutions that will actually deliver results.”

A District Poised for Change

Recent election results further demonstrate the potential for an upset in Senate District 25. In every precinct within the district, voters chose Nathan Vasquez over Mike Schmidt in the Multnomah County District Attorney race, resulting in a 68% victory for Vasquez. Even in East Portland, traditionally a stronghold for Gorsek, the push for change was evident.

This echoes a trend from 2022, where gubernatorial candidates Christine Drazan and Tina Kotek virtually tied in the district (50 votes), despite Betsy Johnson receiving over 4,000 votes. “The district wants common sense policies, and the voters are demanding new leadership in Salem,” said Love.

Stark Differences Between Candidates

The differences between the candidates couldn’t be clearer. Raymond Love, a 30-year decorated Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves and a small business owner in Gresham, brings real-world leadership experience to the table. By contrast, Chris Gorsek is seen as a “triple dipper” government employee who consistently votes with far left extremists, including DA Mike Schmidt, who was soundly defeated for his handling of crime in Portland.

Key Issues: Crime, Homelessness, and Cost of Living

Across East County, concerns over crime, homelessness, and drug addiction are at an all-time high. Rising inflation, housing costs, and costs of living continue to weigh heavily on residents, while career politicians like Chris Gorsek push social issues like illegal immigration and gender identity in schools to add fuel to the fire. Voters are growing frustrated with what they see as out-of-touch leadership from Gorsek, whose divisive priorities fail to address the real issues communities like East County are facing.

“We believe the voters are ready to make a change,” Love said. “In the Metro area, the wave of dissatisfaction with extreme progressive policies is growing, and voters are ready for a positive change.”

2024: A Barn Burner Election

The race for Senate District 25 is shaping up to be one of the closest in the state. As November approaches, Love’s campaign expects the district’s shifting political landscape to play a pivotal role. “This is about new leadership in Salem,” said Love. “Voters have a clear choice: a fresh face who will fight for lower costs, safer streets, and a stronger community—or staying the course with big government policies that have failed to deliver results.”

For more information about Raymond Love and his campaign, please visit his website.
