Rep. Kevin Cameron: looking for Oregonians’ input on state’s next redistricting plan

by Rep. Kevin Cameron


The 2010 Census data released in late February shows that Oregon has grown by 409,675 people since the last census in 2000.

This week Rep. Cameron will begin the first of several public hearings across the state to seek Oregonians’ input on the state’s next redistricting plan.  Rep. Cameron said the hearings will give citizens a unique opportunity to learn about the process and share their concerns as the Legislature redraws legislative and congressional boundaries.

“Every Oregonian deserves an equal voice in Salem and Washington, but not every Oregonian has the opportunity to visit the State Capitol to participate in the process,” Rep. Cameron said. “That’s why the House and Senate Redistricting Committees will travel across the state to listen to Oregonians as we begin this important constitutional duty.”

This Friday Rep. Cameron will travel to a hearing in Tillamook; citizens on the coast will also be able to participate in remote video conference sites in Astoria, Lincoln City and Newport. Next week, he will travel to Eastern Oregon hearings and later hearings in Southern Oregon, Eugene and Corvallis.
