Ex-nude model, underground dungeon worker runs for Congress #1

By Oregon Campaign Watch,

Courtney Casgraux is a candidate for the Democrat Primary in Oregon Congressional District #1, currently held by Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici.  She has worked at Donatella’s Dungeon in New York and had clients at the rate of $500/hour.

NY Post reports, “To shame me for something that helped create the life that I have today where I have opportunity … made me really mad. Because it felt like an attack on women, not just an attack on me,” said Casgraux, whose advocacy work has included teaching puberty and menstruation courses at an LA Boys and Girls Club, as well as training displaced and trafficked women in technical trades through another LA-based nonprofit.She now has her sights set on winning the seat held by Democratic Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, and has focused her campaign on voting and abortion rights, and reversing the wide decriminalization of drugs in the Beaver State, she said.The single mother of one decided to use her “outing” to “reclaim her sexuality,” creating a Playboy profile to sell sexy pictures of herself for up to $150 each…let’s go to Washington … and we’ll make amazing legislation.”

