Teachers union removes anti-Israel handbook

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

A Portland teachers union has removed a very anti-semtic handbook from their online website.

KGW-TV 8 reports, “Alongside teaching material, a Portland Public Schools Jewish teacher told KGW that the union handed out pro-Palestinian material at a meeting on May 28.Some pages called the Israeli government “apartheid rule.” Other pamphlets referred to Hamas as a “Palestinian Resistance Force.”

National Review reports, “Last week, the Portland Association of Teachers held a pro-Palestinian advocacy meeting where members were urged to display Palestinian flags in their classrooms, according to a report in the Oregonian newspaper. Union members were also urged to wear T-shirts that read “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – an antisemitic slogan the refers to the elimination of Israel, which is home to nearly half of the world’s Jews.The meeting comes after the union recently released a guide that instructed teachers on how to get involved in Pro-Palestinian organizing and how to inject their lessons for children as young as preschool with anti-Israel messages.The 32-page guide, “Know Your Rights! Teaching & Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools,” was published last month by the Oregon Educators for Palestine in collaboration with the teachers’ union. It offers legal advice to educators “teaching about the genocide in Palestine,” and advice on how to teach about the ongoing conflict.”

It has a section where it seems to promote “subversion” …

Willamette Week reports, “The handbook itself instructs teachers on how teaching pro-Palestinian materials and lesson plans fits into the union’s contract with the school district. The handbook makes the case that such lesson plans are allowed under contract language….“Teaching about Palestine is also protected under Oregon’s Ethnic Studies Standards.”… “Remind them that what we are seeing is not a long-standing hostility between Jewish and Arab or Muslim people. Palestinian resistance is a political struggle for self-determination against colonial and apartheid rule that has roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.”

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