Backtrack, apology on $30K for non-citizen homes

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

It made national news that a non-profit, Hacienda CDC has been implementing a program that was advertised as offering $30,000 down payment for non-citizens.

Now it looks like the advertising was a mistake.

The Oregonian reports, “Portland housing nonprofit Hacienda CDC has drawn scrutiny over a flyer that incorrectly suggested a state-funded downpayment assistance program was open only to noncitizens. In a statement on Sunday, Hacienda Chief Executive Ernesto Fonseca said a consultant created the marketing materials, which he said mistakenly stated the downpayment assistance program excludes U.S. citizens. In fact, U.S. citizens can participate but must qualify under other “economic equity risk factors” outlined in state law.” 

The question remains on the “economic equity risk factors” are for people to qualify.  In other programs, being a non-citizen actually is a contributing priority factor that leans funding their way.

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