ALERT! Entire super-majority still hangs on few controversial votes

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

As you may have heard, incumbent Republican State Representative Tracy Cramer was ahead by 500 votes several days after the election, but now fell behind by a single vote as of Friday.   There were over 700 ballots held for possible corrections. Example a mismatch of voter signature, which could be corrected if the voter is identified and confirms their signature.   From people involved in the ballot watching, they say that the lead has slipped to below 100.  There is also questions arising from the weekend on how so many changes in the vote totals occurred when the elections office has been closed to poll watchers.

If Cramer loses her seat, then the Democratic Party will have a 36 to 24 majority, which gives them super-majority status in the House, for which they also have in the Senate. This means they can pass all legislation easier and pass taxes without needing to get cross-party votes. A very important marker.

If you wish to help be a vote counter PLEASE USE THE QR CODE BELOW:

It is hard to get solid answers over the weekend, but we will aim to resolve all standout questions and ballot counts as soon as we can.

