Party leader asks Kotek to vote for Oregon to join Canada

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Canada’s Green Party Leader, Elizabeth May, gave a press conference where she invoked Tina Kotek, along with Washington and California also, to join Canada as the 11th Canadian Province. Here are some of her quotes (10:33+):

“Hey Donald have we got a deal for you you think we want to be the 51st state, nah, but maybe California would like to be the 11th Province. How about it?  California, Oregon, Washington, you’ve got geography and common goals.  Not only that, we’ve already got a carbon trading system between California and Quebec.  We’ve got some strong alliances on our West Coast.   From British Columbia there’s been a lot of academic papers on the idea of Cascadia.   So, California governor Newsom, Washington governor Jay Insley and newly elected governor of Oregon, Tina Kotek, how about it?   Want to put a referendum to your citizens?  Because we have got a deal for you.”

Elizabeth May also said this about Oregon/California joining Canada;

“This is what you get, free healthcare, Universal free health … California , Oregon Washington have safer streets. Here we already have good gun laws … [Trump] could get rid of all these states that always vote Democrat.  You know what else, we’ll take Bernie Sanders off your hands”.


Let’s analyze what Elizabeth May said:



Interesting that Elizabeth May cited Oregon for having safe streets, when this is what Portland looked like on Election Day last year.  Businessess for blocks boarded up their windows in anticipation of riots.

Even news reporters doing news segments on our streets last year find themselves being robbed.


Portland has wrestled with street takeovers where mass people gather to take over a street to engage in dangerous car stunts.   Last year in Portland a single street takeover involved impounding 21 vehicles.





Elizabeth May quote references Cascadia, which is a longtime theory to unite the area below into an independent super-state that is bound by the unique bio-region it covers


But Cascadia will not work.


Although some would say Seattle and Portland would rush to join Cascadia or Canada.




Elizabeth May promoted Canada’s healthcare.


But “free” comes with low quality and life-threatening delays.



Elizabeth May’s “free” health care is also very costly for being free.


Elizabeth May’s “free” health care is described as a crisis by Canadians.


Canada’s most liberal figure is also the most disliked.  He just resigned.



Even memes tell their comedic story:



Here is how others lampoon Canadian Health Care (Babylon Bee)



While Elizabeth May tries to make America look bad in her speech, her own country did this scathing comedy sketch showing Trump ridiculing Justin Trudeau.


Here is the video:



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