Grenades wash up on Newport beach

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Police are warning the publci about simulator grenades that have washed up on Newport beaches this month.

The Guardian notes, “Labeled M116A1, the grenades were white in color and cylindrical in shape, according to a photo of the unusual discovery that was shared by the department. The phrase “Warning: Explosive” was written on them in large red letters.“If you encounter such a device, please do not handle or attempt to move it,” the police department said in its statement, which served as a warning to members of the public. “Call the police to report the device’s location.”M116A1 grenades are used primarily to train soldiers because they simulate “battlefield noises and effects”, according to a company that provides the devices to the US army. It sparks what the company describes as a “simulated explosion” within six to 12 seconds of being deployed.”

We are adding this to our previous report form yesterday on Oregon’s never seen before crimes.

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