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    Portland named “A great city to steal in”

    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Fox News did a segment on The Oregonian report showing that most shoplifters do not serve time nor show up to their court dates. This is what is spreading the word that Portland is a “great city to steal in”   A few weeks ago, a liberal activists had […]

    At 61%, mortgage growth outpaces wage growth

    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation, If it feels like Portland homeowners are struggling to keep up with mortgage payments lately, it’s true, as seen by an analysis by Zoocasa. The real estate company compared the growth in income in different cities from May 2018 to May 2023 to the increase in mortgage payments during […]

    Share * free * Political Tax Credit with friends … use it or lose it!

    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Oregon is one of the few states with a Political Tax Credit. If you donate $50 to an Oregon Political PAC you get that $50 back on your taxes in April. Make sure your friends, co-workers and family members know about it.   It is free because you get your […]

    Photo: Car explodes home (30th car crash)

    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon During Christmas Eve a vehicle crashed into a Portland residence which broke and ignited a natural gas line. This is said to be the 30th time a car has crashed upon the property. Contributing to the crash is how unsafe the nearby curve is handled by drivers. Neighbors complained […]

    Sen. Boquist: Electricity cost 50% more, Ag Trump hunt, more…

    By Oregon State Senator Brian Boquist, Highlights, excerpts from Sen. Boquist newsletter   — Portland Tribune.  12/20/24.  “State regulators approve more electricity rate hikes for Oregonians in 2025: Most Oregonians will pay about 50% more for electricity than they did just 5 years ago following rate increases from the state’s largest electric utilities … The […]

    3 Portland headlines perfectly explain how lost they are

    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon What a coincidence. Three Portland headlines in a row as featured by the Oregon Watchdog news ticker tell a story. Portland is blowing a billion on unnecessary non-city projects like the climate action fund (negligible results) and a street car famous for being empty.  Now they wish to expand […]