Gov. John “Don’t mention Cover Oregon” Kitzhaber

John Kitzhaber_thb

by NW Spotlight

Gov. Kitzhaber sent out a press release on Thursday that makes it sound like he’s announcing some new great tax credits that provide “better coverage” and “affordable costs” for Oregonians purchasing health insurance.

What he was actually announcing was the government doing yet another special exception to make up for the myriad problems caused by his disastrous Cover Oregon roll out. The tax credits are ones Oregonians should already have been able to claim if Cover Oregon had been working. In the words of U.S. Sen Jeff Merkley, this latest special exception is needed because “Oregonians should not have to foot the bill for Cover Oregon’s failures.”

A Cover Oregon that Gov. Kitzhaber was once very proud of, and that now he won’t even mention by name in his press releases.
