30 days to deadline on petition banning hidden taxes

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

We need to get all “Tax is a Tax” petitions in the mail to us by June 28th so there is enough time for us to receive them for the July turn-in deadline.

Many times petitions fail to qualify for the ballot because they came up a few thousand short.  Help us secure a spot on the November ballot by sending your petition in.   Below is more details on the petition.

“A statewide ballot measure that would change what types of revenue-related measures require a 60% majority vote in each chamber of the Legislature. The measure amends the constitution to require that all fee and tax increases, credits, exemptions and deductions receive a (60%) three-fifths majority vote to pass.”
East Oregonian
March, 29, 2018

Sign the Tax is Tax Amendment (Petition #31) to outlaw hidden back-door taxes by requiring that all taxes must get a 60% vote (3/5th majority) to pass.

Gov. Kate Brown already passed a $1.3 billion tax on small business 40 days ago and the tax violated the 60% (3/5th majority) rule. The tax passed with fewer votes.

The Tax is a Tax Amendment would require 60% vote on all taxes — including hidden, backdoor and deceitfully mislabeled taxes like the $1.3 billion tax.

This petition Amendment gives you permanently security from hidden taxes.

The petition campaign has only around 30 days left to gather signatures.

We will mail you 5-line petition.

1. Email us a petition request at [email protected]
2. Let us know how many 5-line petitions you would like.
3. Provide your mailing address in the email

That’s it!

Please do what you can to fight all future hidden taxes with the Tax is Tax Amendment petition.

Email, Facebook, Tweet and link this article so we can reach more!
