Et Tu, Brutus?

By Marcus Antonius —

May 29th at 10:26 a.m. will be remembered as the moment Representatives Post and Nearman broke with their Republican colleagues to advance the Portland liberal agenda.

Just when the House strategy of delay was paying dividends and without consulting their colleagues, the Representatives supported a motion to end the reading of bills, and the House is now in hyperdrive … bringing every Liberal wish list to the front of the line. When you pay .16 cents more in gas … Thank Nearman and Post. When your electric bill goes up 11 % thank Nearman and Post. When the cost of your groceries goes up … thank Nearman and Post. When medical freedom is lost … thank Nearman and Post. When guns come back on the agenda … thank Nearman and Post. When your cell phone bill goes up 10% … thank Nearman and Post.

Unwilling to put in the work of long floor sessions, the disloyal pair would rather collect their paychecks and head home than put in the work that they’re elected to do. It’s time that we make their choice permanent … if they don’t want to put in the work … if they don’t want to Represent the people that elected them … it’s time that we find elected officials that will.
