Please nominate: 19th annual Taxpayer Awards!

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Please nominate examples from Oregon in these distinguished categories for the 19th annual Taxpayer Awards.

1. Worst Public Official Award:
The best (worst) elected official, government employee or political representative in Oregon.  Explain who and what they did.

2. Government Waste Award:
Best example of government waste and mis-use of taxpayer dollars.

3. Bureaucratic Bungler Award:
Best example of a government mistake, error or unintended consequences of a regulation.

4. Golden Schnoz Award:
Best example of Oregon government sticking its nose where it does not belong.

You can post your answer as a comment on this blog or you can email them directly to the dutiful people at the Taxpayer Association of Oregon [email protected]

Here is the results from the last Award show…

— examples should be be within the past two years.
