Speaking out on Oregon Carbon Tax (72-cent gas tax)

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon


Portlanders braved the pouring rain last night to alert passing drivers of their opposition to the upcoming Carbon Tax vote in February. The Oregon Carbon Tax could raise gas prices as much as 72-cents and utility prices as much as 13% (Oregonian article).

A 72-cent gas tax matters to Portlanders because they already pay high state gas taxes and have a 10-cent city gas tax making it one of the most expensive gas tax areas in the nation.
California has a Carbon Tax and that contributed to their state having the highest gas prices in the nation!

California’s Carbon Tax helped utility prices increase 30%! That is 30%!

The Carbon Tax also played a role in California being listed as the #1 poverty state in America.

This is why the Carbon Tax helps create poverty.

Oregon already has a homeless and affordable housing shortage – why make it worse?

This is why the Taxpayer Association of Oregon is running billboards, lawn signs, cartoons, mailings and social media articles exposing this tax.

Here is how you can help.

– Attend the State Capitol Rally on Thursday Feb. 6th 10:00am, Salem State Capitol steps. Sponsored by TimberUnity. Go to TimberUnity.com for more details, rallies, updates and to contribute to their efforts. They’re awesome!

– Spread the word online!  Facebook Like, Tweet, Link and Email this very article.  Some of our articles have been Liked over 26,000 times and reached 50,000 people.

– Write a brief paragraph on how a big 72-cent gas tax and 13% utility increase will hurt your family or business. We can use your horror story as we lobby lawmakers. Never underestimate the power of your personal story. Email us at [email protected]

-Donate! Donate! Donate! Contribute online at OregonWatchdog.com to fight the tax (also learn about Charitable Tax Dedication or Political Tax Credit options to promote liberty).

The full details of the tax are not out yet and will likely change as the big vote nears.  Because we know so little is just one more reason why ramming this tax down our throats in a short period of time with limited public input is undemocratic and just wrong.  The Taxpayer Association of Oregon first began fighting this Carbon Tax back in 2015 when it became an issue, we can’t afford to lose right now.

Your donation can help fund our billboard, cartoons, mailings and social media outreach.

Taxpayer Association of Oregon – Since 1999
PO Box 23573
Tigard, OR, 97281
