April 7 as Oregon virus benchmark results day

Taxpayers Association of Oregon


— Spread the word: All eyes should be on Tuesday April 7 for an important benchmark day in our progress against the coronavirus.

The cases we are experiencing today are the ones resulting from people infected BEFORE Oregon’s full quarantine.

Here is former CDC Director explaining the calendar math as it related to New York:

“From 6 days from the time they get infected until the time they get sick, and about another week before they get very sick. So the severe cases we are seeing today are people who were infected 10 to 14 days ago. That means for the next 10-14 days we are locked and will continue to see a big increase in cases.”
— Dr. Tom Frieden, Fox News Sunday 3/22/2020

It takes a while for people to recognize their symptoms and become sick enough to request help, and then be tested/diagnosed and then added to the official list.

Oregon’s strongest lock-down order did not come until Monday March 23rd. The Spring Break weekend fiasco shows that too many people ignored previous warnings. The Monday 23rd lock-down order would have been fully reported and known by the day after which is Tuesday March 24th.

Fourteen days after Tuesday March 24th is Tuesday April 7th. So the people who report having the virus on April 7th are people who were likely infected during our strongest (and among the nation’s strongest) period of lock-down and social restraint.  This number should be lower.

We should keep our eyes on April 7th as a good benchmark of where this virus is going as well as a call to be patient and vigilant.   Many factors, such as availability of testing, migration and compliance measures among the various counties, can impact the results.  This is a call to be patient and understand that any success will come with DELAYED RESULTS and that should give us hope as we wait.

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