Gov. Brown raises gas prices during virus outbreak, bad economy

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Two days after declaring a state of emergency over the coronavirus, Gov. Brown then switched priorities to pass wide-sweeping Carbon Tax plan.

Governor Kate Brown, after witnessing the defeat of her Carbon Tax Bill (SB 1530), decided to bypass the elected Oregon Legislature and State Constitution by signing Executive Order #20-24. This directs 19 different government departments to implement portions of the Carbon Tax. The East Oregonian stated, “Her order doesn’t exempt any portion of the state from her mandates.” (3/12/20)

Here is what Gov. Brown’s Executive Order #20-24 is expected to do:

– INCREASE GAS TAXES by mandating more restrictive Low Carbon Fuel Standards. Forcing gas stations to serve a more expensive blend ends up driving up gas prices for consumers.

– INCREASE HOUSING COSTS by creating additional environmental building codes.

– INCREASE ELECTRICITY RATES through new mandates for the Public Utility Commission and Department of Energy.

– DIVERT ROAD REPAIR FUNDS to help fund mandates for new electric charging stations.

– CREATE NEW REGULATIONS ON HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS which affect your use of fluorescent lights, computers, faucets, shower heads, washers, dryers, water heaters, steam cookers, ventilating fans, and more

In the middle of one of the greatest economic shocks since the great depression, Gov. Kate Brown is raising gas prices and electricity rates.

Gov. Brown’s Executive Order even creates new governmental employee positions (not authorized by the Legislature) to implement her Carbon Tax framework scheme.

Gov. Brown needs to rescind her Executive Order #20-24 and work to protecting the local Oregon economy not heaping up mountains of new regulations and higher gas prices.   This is a simple, common sense, cost-free way to not make things worse.  We respectfully urge Gov. Brown to do this.

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