Thursday is last day to drop-off People Not Politicians petition

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The People Not Politicians campaign is counting on us. The deadline to deliver petitions to validate enough signatures in order to qualify for the November ballot is tomorrow, Thursday, JULY 2.

If you still need to sign the petition you can get one here on the campaign’s website. It’s too late to mail a petition to the campaign, so to ensure every Oregonian has a chance to get their signatures counted, here are the next steps to ensure your petitions are received by the deadline.

The campaign has set up a Sign & Deliver Democracy Drop-Off location in Salem, but if you’re in a different area, the campaign has persons and locations throughout the state that they can connect you with.

For the Salem Drop-Off:

Days Open:

Wednesday, July 1: 9am – 5pm
Thursday, July 2: 8am – Noon

The Grier Building
960 Broadway St NE, Suite 5
Salem, OR 97301

Thank you for being with us and joining the movement to bring historic change in Oregon and put people, not politicians, in charge.

Thank you,

PS: Don’t live in Salem but need to get or drop off a petition? Email [email protected] and they will connect you to a local campaign location.

This notice is a coalition issued alert, please act on it ASAP.


