
Black owned business vandalized for supporting police


Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Portland African American business owner John Jackson, of Heroes American Café was warned that his business was being a target for being pro-police as the cafe is known for celebrating community heroes. Then days later after the threat, during the Columbus Day weekend riots, his business was vandalized with broken windows.

Jackson told The Oregonian “Black Lives Matter? I’m Black. “They don’t even know who I am.”

He also said, “We are pro heroes, any hero — whether it’s a teacher, a firefighter, a police officer or a vet. We’ve very American in nature. I served in the military. We’re red, white and blue. Whatever side you’re on, you have a right to believe what you believe, but you don’t have a right to step on whatever you disagree with. We kind of felt like we’re neutral,”

John Jackson told Koin-TV News that vandals shot two windows and took a baseball bat to a third window.

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