Oregon among last on vaccine, re-open schools, business

Taxpayer Association of Oregon


The Oregonian reports we are third last vaccinate our seniors, “Oregon ranks third to last for the percentage of seniors it has inoculated against COVID-19 among 31 states with comparable data, an analysis by The Oregonian/OregonLive has found.”

As of last month (Jan 26) we were among the last two states to have business closed (chart below).

We are now among the bottom seven mixed states closed.


Oregon schools were among the last 11 states to re-open, and our re-opening has been greatly stalled.

This just shows that Oregon is very good at stopping things and telling other people what to do but not actually good at executing things.

It is easy to close schools, but harder to re-open them if you don’t have a plan.

Oregon deserves better.

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