We bought as many Andy Ngo’s book as Amazon would sell us

Taxpayer Association of Oregon

The Taxpayer Association of Oregon (and our OregonWatchdog mascot) bought the maximum order limit (30) of Ngo’s book, Unmasked, from Amazon, and re-ordered another set this week, so we can pass this critically relevant book on to our supporters and various community leaders.   This is the book that unruly protesters shut down Powell’s book over and harassed the store enough that they pulled it from their store shelves.

I read it this weekend and found it to be an authoritative textbook on this very organized political movement called Antifa their efforts to undermine Capitalism, attack free speech, weaponize political violence and even work to defund and destroy our law enforcement institutions.

Andy’s book explains:

  • How the anarchists training manual spell out in their own words how to manipulate crowds and the media to hide acts of violence and make themselves appear as victims.
  • How outsiders exploit a riot (example, Kenosha saw 100 of 170 arrests coming from people from out of the city)
  • Wild tales of their hypocrisy (example: Seattle’s CHAZ riot zone where protesters ran their own neighborhood for weeks quickly resulted in a spike of violence —  several dead, all black men — the exact opposite of what they were preaching).
  • The origins of the movement in Germany, Britain, America, Portland and their ties to violence, extremism and communist ideals which hindered their ability to grow and gain any measure of acceptance until just recently.
  • Details of incredible violence done by these groups while watching political leaders generate unbelievable excuses and various criminal pardons for their behavior.

Here are some interview segments by Andy on his book,




Please support Journalist Andy Ngo by reading his book.

Rarely in our lifetime have we seen such an attempt to kill the messenger (public attacks, death threats) and to kill the messenger’s book through modern day book banning, as we have with fellow Oregonian Andy Ngo.   He has become a living symbol of free speech and liberty and we must protect his right to speak and heed the alarm bell he is ringing.

Please support Journalist Andy Ngo by reading his book.
