Oregon begins shutting some schools, casinos, events

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


As Governor Brown announced her outdoor mask mandate this week, many festivals, school districts and events are beginning to cancel.

— Portland’s Oaks Parks upcoming Oktober Fest cancelled this week.

— Chinook Winds Casino has closed causing their hotel, golf courses and scheduled events to close as well.

— Stage shows have been put on hiatus.  The outdoor mask rule will be putting pressure on other events to close.

— University of Oregon and OSU games will be allowing only vaccinated with masks to attend. As Oregon continues to break daily case records, the next expected step is to begin capacity limits, like when Oregon first limited gatherings to 250 people.

— Four different school districts have closed schools and delayed their opening.  This includes districts that are in Benton , Douglas and Jefferson County.

More closing may follow as the cases rise.

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