Weekly cases rise first time since summer. A new wave?

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The Oregonian reports, “Oregon recorded a slight increase in weekly coronavirus cases Monday, ending an eight-week streak of declines.The Oregon Health Authority posted 7,877 cases in the past week, up 2% from a week earlier. That includes 2,569 cases announced Monday for the preceding three days.The state’s streak of declining cases had been on pace to end after seven weeks but a data processing problem disclosed Oct. 25 kept it active until now.”

Oregon has been on a decline in reported cases, now there has been a break in the decline.

Is this just a blip? A slowing in the decline?  Or worse a new wave?

Oregon remains only of 12 states in the nation that have strict mask requirements according to the NY Times.

Since Oregon is already is heavy protection mode, what will happen next if cases rise?
