Pelosi attack: Similar to Oregon threats

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Last week, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked by an intruder who assaulted him with a hammer.

This is similar to when a man was arrested for trying to kill Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh.  At the time, several political figures laughed it off.

They aren’t laughing now.

The Pelosi incident is similar to what Oregon has experienced.

For instance, Portland Mayor Tom Wheeler was twice verbally accosted in public and the home of City Commissioner Dan Ryan was vandalized seven times.

Also, anarchists and Antifa rioted outside Portland Mayor Wheeler’s home in 2020.  They even broke a window to the building and started a fire inside despite a hundred people who may have been living and sleeping in the condo unit.


Multiple threats to kill Oregon lawmakers were left in Portland’s Lowensdale park this summer.


Look how attacks have spread in Oregon to everyday political groups.


It often involves arson.


Keeping elected officials safe is a bipartisan issue.

It starts by abolishing the crime wave and restoring law and order at all levels of society.  The current crime wave has given rise to all sorts of other crimes. Read our article Crime wave invents new crimes.  Protesting outside an elected officials home should be illegal. If lobbyists have to abide by laws limiting their space and time access to lawmakers, then it should also apply to mask wearing lawbreaking rioters in the middle of the night outside someone’s home.

We at the Taxpayers Association of Oregon call for political unity over the security and safety for elected officials, journalists (includes Andy Ngo) and all Oregonians.

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