Taxpayers billed for Fagan’s pet hotel fees

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The recently resigned-from-scandal Secretary of State Shemia Fagan has new controversies.

The Oregonian reports that during Shemia Fagan’s extensive travels, she brought along her dog and billed taxpayers for the hotel pet fee.

Also being investigated is whether during her travels she double billed the State of Oregon and her campaign PAC for the same expenses.  This includes airfare, hotel and food.

The Taxpayers Association of Oregon previously commented on her extensive travels:

“…5 of the past 6 months involved long distance out-of-state travel for Fagan who was working three jobs at the time (Oregon Secretary of State, Willamette Law professor, $10,000/month marijuana consultant):

• Nov. 28, 2022, – New Orleans, National Lieutenant Governors Association.
• Dec. 6, 2022, – Washington DC, Hunt Institute leadership event.
• Jan, 2023 – no travel.
• Feb 4, 2022 – Texas A&M University, lecture students about voting rights.
• March 20, 2022 – Washington, D.C. , Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association.
• April 9, 2022 – Washington, D.C. ,White House Easter egg roll.”

Then Secretary of State Fagan simply followed what Governor Brown did in her travels.

The Center Square reports, “Gov. Kate Brown’s trip to United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow cost Oregon taxpayers more than $18,000, including two $500-a-night rooms at a five-star London hotel that no one used.Brown traveled along with staff members and security personnel to the conference in November 2021 along with governors from five other states, all part of U.S. Climate Alliance, a group formed after former President Donald Trump changed climate policy goals. Oregon taxpayers paid $18,586.11 for the trip.”

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