Media puts heat on Kotek

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek is trying to govern just like former Governor Kate Brown (detached, ignore big problems while solving other problems behind closed doors, ignore the media until you need them).   The state’s top media outlets like The Oregonian and The Willamette Week are not having this style of governing again with Kotek.

The Oregonian ran a Sunday Editorial severely criticizing Tina Kotek with the headline “The uncomfortable questions Kotek won’t answer”.

The Editorial was over both Kotek and the Ethics report involving Tina Kotek’s spouse being used in a Governor’s role.   The Ethics report did not interview the three top staff (nor the two other top Kotek officials) who left during the controversy.

The Oregonian Editorial said of Governor Kotek:

“Don’t ask questions if you don’t want the answers. That seems to be the game plan that Gov. Tina Kotek and others have adopted in fielding concerns over the role of Kotek’s wife in the governor’s administration. It’s far easier to pretend everything’s fine if you never ask what’s wrong.”

And later criticized Govervior Kotek’s excuses:

“Her answer is a dodge. The lack of a precedent is exactly why she should be asking these questions. The demonstrated impact on her team is exactly why Oregonians should worry about her ability to meet the obligations of her office. Instead, Kotek repeatedly points out that her wife is a volunteer, as if her unpaid status should be a shield against scrutiny of the many other ways nepotistic behavior can destroy morale, erode the public’s trust and derail her agenda for Oregon’s rebound.”

At the same time, The Willamette Week has been doing a series of investigative stories on the controversy and slowly discovering damning material like Tina Kote’s spouse being involved in a borderline lobbying activities.   Read: New Emails Show First Lady Provided a Pharmaceutical Company High-Level Access to Key State Official.

The Willamette Week was quick to report on the ethics complaints and email revelations.

Last week, the Taxpayers Association of Oregon wrote this article on Kotek:



The Taxpayers Association of Oregon also wrote this article last week about her botched State-of-Emergency over drugs:



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