Oregon legislative GOP reacts to Measure 97 redux


by NW Spotlight

On Tuesday, the Portland Tribune ran a story headlined “Measure 97 proponents unveil new corporate sales tax proposal,” reporting that the “Coalition that offered [Measure 97] wants lawmakers to tax biggest corporations, health care.”

Republicans in the Oregon legislature quickly responded to that new tax proposal.

Oregon House Republicans

Statement from House Republican Caucus spokesman Preston Mann regarding the “A Better Oregon” Tax Increase Plan:

“It says a lot about Democratic politicians and government employee unions that even in the face of an overwhelming defeat, they still have the audacity to stand before Oregonians and demand massive new tax increases with only vague details about how the money will be spent and a hardline stance against budget reform. The hubris of Democrats in Salem knows no bounds.”

Oregon Senate Republicans

Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli responds to new version of corporate tax hike 

SALEM-Wednesday, Senate Republican Leader Ted Ferrioli, of John Day, released the following statement on the push for a new version of corporate tax hike:

“Senate Republicans are committed to a bipartisan conversation surrounding spending reform and revenue reform. The conversation should not begin with proposing a package of taxes that Oregonians have already soundly rejected.”
