Video: Rudeness, race, redemption

By Jason Williams
Williams is an Oregon researcher, writer and founder of the Taxpayers Association of Oregon

This video really touched my heart.

It contains two surprises.

The first surprise is how this South Korean social media influencer, Gainnie Lee, was live streaming her tourist walk through the streets of Germany and on how many people were hostile to her and over-the-top lampooning her about her race.

I can’t dismiss this rudeness as just a Germany phenomenon, because just this month I was walking with my nieces in Florida and a man said to one of them “Nice t**ties, b**ch” as he walked by.

The second surprise in the video, is at the end and it will warm your heart.

A fellow German man named Phillip who lived in the same city, was watching the live-stream and decided to find her in real-time.

The video captures the moment when he finds her and on the live-stream apologizes on air for his fellow citizens and praises her goodness.  It is a touching moment.

In America we are seeing an explosion of rudeness on airlines (up 1,000%) , in hospitals (+71%) and in everyday life.   It is good to elevate the noble souls like Phillip who went out of his way to do something beautiful in the middle of it all and Gainnee who was abundantly polite and positive on her part.

Please share the video if you liked it and help me celebrate the good role models of Phillip and Gainnie.


