Oregonian’s bitter farewell to media rival

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon



The Oregonian on 9/27/23 could have accused their media rival of being reckless or lying like normal newspapers do when they get competitive, but instead The Oregonian chose a cartoon depicting retiring Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal) as a terrorist intentionally trying to destroy America and our democracy.

Of 38 top media institutions, Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal was rated #1 most trusted among the public.  Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is also the #1 biggest circulation (paid) newspaper in America.    That is a success story to be celebrated, not evidence of trying to destroy America.

As for Fox News, it has bipartisan appeal better than their rivals.   For instance, Fox News scores among independents with 58% whereas CNN only nets 25%, MSNBC at 18%.  Fox News spent 20 years at the #1 spot on cable news ratings.

Fox News is not “burning down” America as the cartoon implies, it is rioters who are burning down America and many mainstream news outlets gave them political cover as they did it.

Here was CNN:

Here was MSNBC;

CNN again…

New York Times Reporter in response to a direct question on whether arson and destruction is “violence”.

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