Longtime activist, Dave Darnell, passes


Our dear friend David Darnell has gone home. He held on as long as he could, but now his broken body is at rest. His last act on this plane was to use what little strength still remained to put his arm around Karen’s neck and give her a kiss. When she left the hospital to take care of chores back home, David’s remaining strength slipped away. “He kissed me goodbye then waited for me to leave. What a man.”

Karen is shattered. She says, “The Bible tells us that the two flesh becomes one; that’s the easy part. When the one again becomes two, now that’s quite a grueling process.” The kids are all there to keep her spirits up, but she hasn’t done life alone since she was 21.

She has lots of friends coming to her aid as she tries to reassemble her life. Among her concerns, the financial situation will take quite a bit of time and effort to sort out. Multiple streams of income have ended. There are legal filings, paperwork, mortgages, and all the cold, bottom line issues to attend to. All while she mourns.

The burial costs will take up a lot of the cash Karen has left. After that, she has the vision to turn some of the property into a mining heritage park. David collected a lot of valuable items, but Karen reports it will take years to liquidate it all. Auto parts, electrical gear, vehicles, musical items. A lifetime.

Karen is just beginning her solo journey and figuring out how to move forward. The financial burden adds significant complication to that journey. Please help if you can.
