Oregon approves 29 local taxes as we enter recession

Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Over a quarter billion dollars in new income, business, hotel and property taxes were passed on election night. The latest tally from early unofficial numbers shows that 29 local tax measures are expected to pass, roughly 15 are expected to fail, and about five local tax measures do not have enough information to make a determination.

Most of these local taxes are property taxes (bonds, levies, local option taxes).  Many of them are renewals showing that nothing is as temporary as an eternal government funding project.

These 29 taxes pose a big threat to Oregon’s looming recession — possible economic depression — we are facing.

Remember, that Oregon state and local governments spend more per-person than most states in America.  So we are raising 29 local taxes to fund local governments that already have more per-capita than most states in America.

(The estimated numbers will change as updated data comes in.)


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