Shop closes after 15 attacks. Long plea left on door.

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The store, RainsPDX, has only been opened in Portland since 2019. It was built on the dreams of a 51 year old small businesswoman pioneer named Marcy Landolfo.

Since the pandemic , the store has been broken-into, vandalized and robbed 15 times. This never-ending attacks forced Marcy to close her store.


In her note she addressed head on the leading excuse many people make when a business is sabotaged — which is “Stop complaining, insurance always picks up the tab”.

Marcy says in her door posting “Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins. We have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd”.

What unsympathetic politicians and liberal voices fail to understand, is that when a business is hit by crime in a crime rising area, that rates go up and up to reflect the crime wave. This is why you see so many boarded up windows in Portland. It is too expensive to replace it.

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