Gov’t warns of more grid blackouts … as city bans gas use

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

As Eugene became Oregon’s first city to ban the installation of new natural gas lines, we also see government issue warnings of increased electric blackouts.

The same Eugene area had to shut down power due to incoming high winds

Unreliable electric grid forces officials to warn of more electrical blackouts

Heat wave triggers blackout warnings in Oregon

3 electrical stations attacks in NW, raises questions on grid reliability.

It is foolish for politicians to block access to reliable natural gas while at the same time increase warnings of more upcoming blackouts and risks.

Blackouts will only get more common as the state is dumping $50 million of tax dollars in electric car subsidies followed by ODOT’s $100 million investment in electric vehicle charging stations, followed by DEQ’s ban on the sales of gasoline powered cars in 2035.    Politicians are pushing Oregon towards more electric grid unreliability as they force more demands on the grid while forcing less supply while banning people from alternatives (Oregon closed their coal plant, Eugene ban natural gas in new homes).

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