Oregon sees 1st job loss. PDX = #1 job loss city in nation.

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Two sets of bad news.

• The Oregonian reports that Oregon had its first jobs decline since the middle of the pandemic.

• Willamette Week reports State Economists detailing how Portland-Metro area saw the biggest decline in jobs in the nation.   It fell 1.5% from last year at this time.  While other major city areas grew, Portland fell and fell the worst.  This includes Clackamas and Washington County.

Do Oregonian really wish to pass some 60 local tax increases on the May Primary Ballot?

Portland has a zoo tax (property tax), school tax (property) and 10-cent gas tax on the May ballot.

Did lawmakers really need to pass 185 fee increases last year?

Those fees and those 60 May taxes will add a lot of burden to Oregon’s job losses if they continue.

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