Most toxic slogan to re-write history (Street Propaganda #5)

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

This political sticker “America was never free” sums up best how Leftist try to rewrite history in order to discredit a nation.  This lie is meant to dis-empower existing cultures and empower a new culture that aims to take control by force, harassment and violence.   The fact that America has been recognized as the most free-ist nation on earth is a massive problem for Leftist who do not value individual freedom or free speech.

This political sticker was slapped around the Portland area.  We document it in order to show you what tools and tactics Leftist in Portland are using.




— Signs call to end America (Street Propaganda #4)


— See also: Street Propaganda #3: Rioting is love?


— See also: “Street propaganda #2: Libs warn Biden “Come November, We’ll Remember”


— See also Street Propaganda #1: Libs now favor guns?



If you see “Street Propaganda” or local political vandalism please email us to document it at:

— The Taxpayers Association is launching a series called “Street Propaganda” to highlight when Oregon political activists mass produce flyers or stickers in an attempt to litter a City in hopes of swaying (or intimidating) public opinion.


