Oregon #5 fewest virus case state. So why criminalize Thanksgiving?

Taxpayers Association of Oregon


According to the NY Times (11/18/2020), Oregon has the 5th lowest COVID-19 cases per capita of any U.S. State.

Governor Kate Brown says Oregon has a hospitalization crisis, but the Wall Street Journal reports that Oregon is in the 10 best hospitalization states.

This comes at a time when Oregon is only among a few states to enter full lockdown by shutting restaurants and gyms to indoor customers and limiting private in-home Thanksgiving dinners to no more than 6 people.

Now consider this. Oregon lockdowns are greater, longer, more painful than other states .  So Oregon is less impacted by COVID-19 but shares a greater sacrifice.

Is the lockdown proportional to the problem?

Are there better state tools we can execute than heavy-handed broad-based lockdowns?

Where is the Legislature and the people’s voice in this decision?

Governor Brown owes us an explanation.

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