Gov. Brown welcomes new year with 3 new taxes


By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Despite 2020’s global pandemic, business shutdowns and 70 new Oregon taxes, Oregon Governro Kate Brown and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler are ready to unload more taxes as if 2020 never happened.

Oregon Governor Brown’s early drafts and official 2021 budget has included an 800% million beer, wine tax,  a $12 million home tax by eliminating the state mortgage interest deduction on certain homeowners and a $270 Million small business tax.   Governor Brown will in effect be taxing small businesses without customers and property owning landlords who have renters who have not been paying.

The City of Portland under Mayor Ted Wheeler is considering a $10 Million Carbon Tax proposal.

These taxes are a terrible insult and grave threat to people’s economic livelihoods in Oregon.

We simply cannot endure these non-stop taxes during our time of this crisis season.

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