Gov. Brown backtracks as parents score rare win.

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

After Governor Kate Brown released more than 1,000 prisoners early, often using her commutation authority, there was a swift backlash.  There is a lawsuit pending against her actions and even criticism from US Senator Ron Wyden.  Even worse, Gov. Brown gave early release to criminals without involving or notifying crime victims and parents of crime victims of the criminals released.  Many found out that their family victimizer was free from the local media.

Under intense pressure Governor Kate Brown relented and created a new liaison for victims and victim’s families.

Governor Brown’s secret releasing posed a threat to many families who had no advanced warning in order to prepare themselves.   Brown also denied families a chance to voice their concerns about any early release proposals as parents of crime victims often follow the lives of their victimizers in prison to know if they are really reforming their lives or causing more trouble (like harassing families/others from within prison).   Brown was able to evade parents of crime victims and the media by holding private zoom calls with prisoners before she commuted their sentence.

Unfortunately, the person Gov. Brown chose as the liaison is a known “restorative justice” advocate, so Brown has cast questions on whether this is an act of fairness or just  a token measure as Brown continues to empty violent criminals into our neighborhoods.

Some of these 1,000 released criminals have struck again within months of being released.

Brown pardons a 53 felony criminal from prison. He strikes again.

Previous Article: “Melvin Tillman has been convicted of 53 different felonies, mostly robberies. Governor Kate Brown issued a commutation to release him early from prison out of caution of Covid. Now Tillman has robbed again and has been evading law enforcement. His previous robbing spree was almost averaging a new theft every month.”


In addition to using her commutation and pardon authority, Gov. Brown has signed bills allowing for early release of criminals for various crimes and also for removing the death penalty for criminals on death row.

Serial killer gets penalty dropped thanks to liberals

Recent article, “The 2019 law passed Oregon politicians is giving 90% of Oregon’s worst criminals on death row a free pass from the death penalty.  This now includes serial killer Dayton Leroy Rogers.  The famous mass murderer Dayton Leroy was convicted of killing Lisa Marie Mock (23); Maureen Ann Hodges (26); Christine Lotus Adams (35); Cynthia De Vore (20); Nondace Cervantes (26); and Riatha Gyles (16).    This does not include the stabbing of a 15-year old girl.   Based on the new law and affirmation by the US Supreme Court, Dayton Leroy Rogers has been spared the death penalty.   A new sentencing may give him instead life in prison or perhaps something less.”

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