Year’s 10 most popular articles

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Here are Oregon Catalysts’ most popular articles from 2019…

#10.  Senators honored for their stand –5,500 Likes

#9. The People Won! Carbon Tax Dead! — 8,300 Likes

#8. Taxes likely to pass in next 40 days — 8,500  Likes

#7. Gov. Brown supported a walk-out in 2001 — 9,100 Likes

#6. Gov. Brown cancels people’s petition — 9,800  Likes

#5. Oregon 4th fattest government — 10,000  Likes

#4. 20 New Taxes in a single day — 11,000  Likes

#3. Gov. Brown plans to steal the kicker — 14,000  Likes

#2. Gov. Brown’s 7 deadly sins invade Capitol — 24,000  Likes

#1. Lara Trump: Timber Unity is what Making America Great Again looks like — 28,000  Likes


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Regular donation: Make donation to Taxpayer Association (no deduction). This is where we need it the most. Used for lobbying the State Capitol and fighting tax ballot measures.

Mail donations to:
PO Box 23573 Tigard, OR, 97281

